John 15:13

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Prior to creating man, God in his infinite wisdom foresaw Satan’s temptation that would result into the fall of Adam and Eve; the entrance of sin into this world. He could choose to not make man after foreseeing this tragedy yet this would be against Himself; The God of liberty. By principle, when He thinks of something good, His thought or expression (word) is a power to its existence. So humanity was not too far after Satan’s dismissal from heaven created on a young new earth.

Immediately Satan saw an opportunity of usurping the new world (earth), his only entrance being through those to whom God had placed the care and governance of the earth. Disguisedly he tempted Eve and through her was successful in making Adam also sin against God in eating the forbidden tree that was of the knowledge of good and evil. Having tapped into this mixture, the world soon increasingly became marred with sin; hate, violence, crime and any form of evil started their growth to chock the good with which God had formed this universe.

When Jesus Christ with God before the creation foresaw this terrible emergency, they covenanted to go at length of love to save us when that happened, so Jesus came to this evil world leaving behind all glory and a throne, He came as one of us, divinity had taken on humanity such a risk of love. If Jesus’s efforts to save us failed in any way, we were hopeless. Our earth would forever be the territory of the devil, a laboratory of all sorts of evil and pain. But Jesus determined to depend on His father never failed His mission. That’s why we Christians today worship Him in the newness of life.

Each of us has such a perfect expression of love to help our fallen friends and enemies come to God and be blessed also with such new life as we hope for a final recreation where it will all be good and no mixture with evil. Do you know that all forms to save others will always yield to restoring such ones, yet any failure is equivalent to Jesus’ mission failing!!! Think about it you who believes now, if Jesus in his mission on earth had failed, would you be here blessing others through His goodness that touches you every moment and lets you do good! No, we would have been lost. Similarly if we fail in reaching out to a soul, that soul will never become good and thus the world will tend to more evil ripening it to its final destruction. God help us to in His strength and guidance do all it takes to save that one soul that Jesus came to seek and restore.

This is indeed; love divine all loves excelling, best love language ever; risking a soul for another soul. o love that will not let me go. To learn more about this greater love, read the book the Desire of Ages and you will learn how to make love to God and others.

The risk of failing our Mission.

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